Thursday, March 18, 2010

Today is the Day

It's here. The day has arrived. All of the long practices, the early mornings, long days, big meets, time and energy. It comes down to today. In some sense. Part of me says that I've done all of that for more than this, which is true. I've built relationships along the way, the Lord has taught me SO much through the process and I have found such joy in my diving. But all of it has lead me here. This meet doesn't define my diving career, but to me, it's the icing on the cake. This is the end, the finished product of seven years of hard work. I am where the Lord wants me and I find such amazing peace in that. This is where I am supposed to be. This is where he has called me.

Today, my goal is to win the prize for being the girl at the meet that has the most fun. I want to out-fun everyone :) I just want to go to the pool and enjoy myself. Find the Lord's joy in the small things. I want to consciously enjoy each dive, reminding myself that I am having fun. I have to make myself be light-hearted and care-free. When I get anxious and nervous, I don't dive well at all.

As I was writing in my prayer journal this morning there was kind of this juggle between trying not to care, but also truly caring. I have to not worry about place. It doesn't matter what I get ranked today. That is the world trying to define me. I want to go out there and dive my best. How other girls do in comparison to that, won't affect my joy or the Lord's glory. While not caring about the world's label put on me, I do want to dive well. Which is a good thing. I have invested a lot into this sport and if I were to not care at all how today went, it would mean its all been a waste. I have to treat today like a practice. Just me on the boards, doing my thing.

It usually takes me a couple dives to get into a meet and calm down. I get nervous and as much as I don't want to, what do you do when it happens? It takes a couple dives to have those nerves go away. My first couple dives are my best ones, which is a blessing and burden at the same time. It's good that even if I have a bad hurdle, I can do the dives well enough that I can make it work. It kind of stinks though cause I know that I can do them so much better. I am going to do everything possible today to be nerve free. It's just a practice.

The best news: my salvation is not determined by how well I dive today! Thank you Jesus! Man would that be nerve racking if it was. Once I get Kingdom focused, this measly national meet becomes nothing. Nothing can come close to comparison of sitting at the feet of Jesus. Today is just an opportunity. An opportunity to spend time with my savior, being utterly dependent on him for every ounce of energy, and every thought that crosses my mind. To him be the glory today. This is not about me. It is all about him!

I would love prayers today. Prayer for calm confidence and resting in his peace and joy. And that I'll dive well, to the best of my ability. I'll let you know how it goes!

If you want, you can watch it live online. Go to then click on the tab at the top that says "Championships." Scroll down and find Women's Swimming and Diving. Click on the "Championships Home Page" for Division III. Under the picture of the pool there is something that says, "watch live." Click on that and you should be good to go. I'll be diving during Session III at 1:00 this afternoon, but that is Central Time. So it would be 2:00 Eastern Time.

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