Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I heart N.Y.

So on Monday a bunch of the interns had off, so we took at trip into the city. It was a long day of a lot of walking, but it was so much fun! We woke up early and left. We had thought about taking the train, but ended up taking two cars. We parked for free pretty far outside the city just on the street and then took the subway around all day. We first went to the World Trade Center area and saw the construction. We stopped off at a Starbucks and then went and walked by the water. We had great weather!
You could definitely tell we were tourists! We were taking pictures everywhere and constantly had our trusty map out.

The guys did a fantastic job getting us around the city and figuring out what subways we needed to get on.

Me, Sam (who I did summer staff with last year, and is the maintenance intern), and Krista (a cook intern)This was as close to the Statue of Liberty we got, but some of us are hoping to go back at some point this summer and go up in the crown, now that it is open again. We'll see if it happens.

All the girls that went! Ana (retail intern), Ali (hospitality intern), Kaitlyn (baker intern), Me and Krista.

Next we got back on the subway and went to Times Square. It was really fun to just walk around. It was Memorial Day, so there was lots going on and fun things to see. We also got free hot dogs for lunch, which was great. (not a fan of hot dogs, but definitely a fan of free) Then everyone bought "I heart N.Y." shirts for three dollars and we wore them the next day.

We went into this Toys R Us and it was huge. There was a ferris wheel inside, but it was too expensive to ride. We all felt like kids again!

These guys were pretty sweet. They had some really fun partner stunts.
Our FREE hot dog!

After Times Square we went to 5th Avenue. We went into FAO Schwarz which was super crazy, and into the Apple store which was underground, but the entrance was made of glass. FAO Schwarz was huge and had every toy imaginable.
This was made out of Jelly Beans!

Puppet Show!
The guys played the jumbo piano. It was really funny and entertaining! Matt (ropes intern), Derrick (Mountain Sports intern), Charlie (video intern), and Sam.

Next we went to Central Park and walked around for a while. Then we completely crashed. We had been on our feet all day and just hung out for a while. Then we went and got some New York pizza for dinner and headed back. It was a long day, but so much fun and great intern bonding time!

There were some other good pictures on other people's cameras, so I may try and add those later. But it was a great day. We had excellent weather and everyone had really good attitudes the whole day. I was a little hesitant about going because of how things tend to work in big groups, but it all went really smoothly and we all stayed together the whole day. Everyone was really easy going, which was fantastic. It was a fun day in the big apple!

1 comment:

  1. Um, I LOVE that you have a blog for reasons such as THIS! How fun!

    So weird that I was there in January. Totally wish we could've gone together! LOVE that you guys did this!

    FREE HOT DOGS?! Love it!

    ...and your biceps are huge.

    You're beautiful! I love you!
