Friday, May 28, 2010

The Big Dance

Well it came and went.

Today was an absolute blast and I soaked up ever single second of it! God is so good and so gracious. Vaulting went well.

It was really hot out, which I'm not used to. Michigan has made me a complete wimp with the heat. Warm ups went well and then it was time to start!

My first goal for the meet was to clear opening height. I didn't want to get all the way to Nationals and no height (where you don't clear any bars). Opening was 11'5 which is the highest opening height I've ever come in at by far. I normally come in around 10'4ish, depending on the heights at the meet. But I knew I could clear 11'5, so just had to go for it. I missed on my first attempt, but made it on my second. Thank you Jesus! Goal one accomplished.

I was also having so much fun! I was soaking it all in and constantly reminding myself that I was having a blast. It was so awesome.

The bar then went up to 11'10. I missed my first and second attempts and that was scary. I knew I had more in me and I definitely didn't want to be done yet. I consciously gave it all I had and cleared it on my third attempt. Thank you Jesus! That one was seriously a miracle. And my coach told me that was the best jump I had today. It definitely felt good.

I took three jumps at 12'2 (which would have been a personal record) and didn't clear any of them. My second attempt was really close! I barely hit the bar, but it fell. And by my third attempt, my coach said I was just tired. I had taken so many jumps and with the heat, I just wasn't running as fast as I needed to. Close, but no cigar.

I'm happy with today though. I jumped well, it was the second best meet of my career, and I was really close to getting a personal best at Nationals. It would have been sweet to have actually done it, but I jumped well and am pleased. I also seriously had a blast. It was so much fun! I absolutely love pole vaulting and don't really have any intention of being completely done with it. I love it too much. I'll have to find a club team around somewhere or something. But I'm definitely happy with how things went today. It was a great way to end my collegiate career.

I ended up 16th, which I'm happy with. I moved up on the list, so that is good. Place doesn't matter a whole bunch to me, but I'm proud of that.

This has seriously totally been the Lord. My whole senior year. All my sports and everything. All completely the Lord. It is only by his talent that I am able to do anything and he absolutely gets all the glory. It is so not about me, it is all about him.

Just thinking about the miracles that happened this year...its insane. That is going to have to wait for another post. I need to get some sleep. Thank you so much for all your prayers! I'm really happy with how things turned out and I had so much fun! So much fun! To Him be the glory.

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