Saturday, September 26, 2009


Well, week one is over. Diving started this week and I made it through. I am still alive and in quite good spirits. It was hard and a long week for sure, but I survived. It was definitely fun to get back into things and get back on the boards. We have five new freshman, so I'm starting to build relationships with them as well. It's been fun so far.

I also started aiding on Wednesday and I love my placement! I've only been once, but I know I'm going to learn a ton and really enjoy it. My teacher is great. She really genuinely cares for her students and goes above and beyond. I am in a Kindergarten and First grade Mildly Cognitively Impaired classroom at an urban elementary school. The kids are absolutely adorable and I love them already.

My Thursday was killer. I was on campus from 5:50am to 9:00pm. Longest day ever. We had dryland from 6-7:30am, then I had class all day, then stuck around for a little practice (I just worked on the trampoline since I couldn't make our practice time) then had a little break and then had night class. My breaks weren't long enough to go home, so I just tried to get some work done and caught up with some friends. It was so long though and I was exhausted.

The Lord has been so faithful though. Through all of this. He never leaves my side. Really. Just think about that. He is always there! He is always with me. Amazing! It was definitely a week where I had to keep relying on him, keep trusting him and holding my hands open. I'm taking it one day at a time. I have to keep reminding myself of that.

I also had a fantastic conversation with one of my professors about my placement for student teaching next semester. I'm going to be doing track and the schedules conflict quite a bit. I don't get Calvin's spring break, I get the school that I'm at's spring break, which gets interesting because we do a Track Training Trip over spring break. So we talked a lot of things out about trying to make it work so that I can go. He was so understanding and is really willing to work with me. It was totally the Lord. Nothing is completely set, but we started the conversation and it went better than I could have imagined.

After that conversation I was just thinking about how many people have had to be flexible and understanding with my schedule. It just points me straight to God because there is no way in the world all these people would be so willing to work with me, if it wasn't for Him. His hand is in all these situations and he is paving the road for me. I just stand in awe. He is amazing. He's challenging me and I'm learning a lot. Definitely a situation I love to be in. It's hard while your going through it, but it is so fruitful in the end.

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