Sunday, September 26, 2010


Chicago has been so much fun! It's been really different than I thought it would be, but I'm definitely loving it. It's still taking some time getting used to everything and figuring out where things are, but for the most part, I'm catching the hang of it. I, for the most part, finally understand the transportation system. Today I actually changed my transportation route without having to look it up and I got home perfectly. I was proud of myself.

I am really enjoying student teaching as well. I like my teacher a lot and I love my students! They're adorable! It has been such a blessing being in first grade. The Lord absolutely knows what he is doing. First grade has a great team of teachers who work together and stay out of the schools drama. They have been really great. I'm starting to get more and more into taking over the class. I've taken on two subjects and this week will probably pick up a third. It's busy and a lot of work, but I'm enjoying it, so it makes it worth while.

I love the girls that I'm living with and I think I've found a church. Things are going really well and the Lord has been teaching me a lot. A lot about prayer and pursuing my relationship with him. I'll make that one another post. Just thought I would update, things are going great and I'm really enjoying it!


  1. Joy! I have been thinking about you and your student teaching adventure! I am so glad all is going well! It sounds like you will have complete control of the class soon! Great for you! I am routing for you! At 3 am last night, Mack told me that he missed his cousin... Hope to see you again real soon! Love you! And, by the way, the cash is still waiting for you... ;)
