Friday, January 29, 2010

Humans are not meant to live here

Yesterday I was walking outside in the bitter cold. It has been especially freezing the last couple days. As I was walking I overheard a couple people having a conversation about how cold it was and one girl said that it is statistically proven that places with warm weather have stronger communities than places with cold weather. Makes sense. It got me thinking though, that maybe that is why I hate the Michigan winters so much. Everyone hibernates and a lot of community is lost. In Michigan's winter, everyone stays inside, while in places like Hawaii or Puerto Rico, people are out, friendly and community oriented.

So this got me thinking about what it looked like before electricity, lots of buildings and technology. Profound thinking, I know. So I know that you can heat with fire and people did build houses and stuff, but I just came to the conclusion, that humans weren't made to live here. We weren't made for 7 degree weather. That is just too cold to live in for 6 months out of the year.

I never knew how much the weather affected me until I got here. Snow is fun, but it never goes away! Anyway, I will stop complaining now. I have just come to the profound conclusion, that humans were not meant to live in such cold weather.

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